Part 59: Endgame: Grima - Robin
This is farewell....
For once, I'm glad you and I are the same. Now I can give my life to protect those I care for...
I would and I will. The evils you would visit on this world are unthinkable... In some way, Iwe share the blame. It's only right we meet our end together!
*Grima screams in agony*
*Grima fades away*
Music: Id (Serenity)
Robin! No!
Tell the last thoughts were of them... May we meet again, in a better life...
*Time passes*
Never again will the fell dragon trouble our world.
I owe you all far more than words can ever repay. Especially Robin, who gave herself to save us all. To save all the worlds to come.
P-poor Robin... *sniff* After everything she did for us...
Don't cry, Lissa. We'll see her again. I'm sure of it. Remember what Naga said? That Robin would survive if our ties were strong enough. This isn't over. I believe Robin is out there...somewhere...
And we'll find a way to bring her home.
Even if we have to search every open field in this whole stupid world!
I believe the same, my prince. Robin is too strong to simply disappear.
It falls to us to look after the realm until she returns.
Robin had damn well BETTER come back! If that blasted dragon truly got him/her, I'll be the one breathing fire!
She made a noble sacrifice, and I know my nobility!
And I know Robin shall someday return!
Robin has gotta be out there somewhere...
How do I know? Hey, you don't question the Vaike!
I can feel it, too. Robin is out there, waiting for us.
Though I surely will miss her in the meantime...
While statistically unsubstantiated, I have what laymen might call a "hunch."
This hunch corroborates most of the statements made thus far.
Robin, I know you're out there... I know you're not gone...
And no one knows more about being lost and found than me!
I wish she could have stayed with us long enough to see me grow stronger...
But all the more reason to work hard between now and her return!
...She lives. I know it.
Some people just aren't the dying sort.
If Chrom believes she's all right, then so do I! Maybe I can work out some new magic to bring him/her home...
If she returns to us now, I might even consider making him/her tea. ...Myself.
Do you hear that, Robin?! ME, making TEA! You should be honored!
Let us honor Robin's regard for his/her warren. She was a true taguel.
And a true taguel would not leave family behind... I feel she's out there!
If Robin's anythin' like me, she won't check out just 'cause a job is done.
Gotta collect on all the sweet rewards, right?
Too many times now have I watched loved ones give their lives for me...
I must hold on to faith that this time will be different.
Oy, Robin! You daring to make Gregor celebrate alone?!
Gregor not rest until he drink you under table! Har har!
*Sob* *sniff* Robin's not gone! She's just...misplaced! I'll wait a thousand years for her if I have to!
Naga has a way of sending a ray of light into even the deepest darkness. May Robin find that light, just as she became that light for us.
She had better march back here and try again! I only send people off on my terms! ...Or in a casket.
There will be one less set of eyes on me as I dance... It feels wrong... Please come back, Robin! Please be out there somewhere!
Minerva says she still feels Robin is of this world...
Also that she smells delicious, but that's neither here nor there...
Hey, Robin, everyone's dying to see you alive. We're sick to death of death!
That reminds me of a good one: two Risen, a wyvern, and a priest walk into a bar
I pray at least one of those sadnesses will yet be undone.
I swear my life and blade to defend this future you have won, Robin.
If you can hear me, swear that you will help me do so!
She did what she had to do. That's the mark of a true warrior!
She'll be back. I'd bet my sweet brown arse on it!
Bah! Leave it to Robin to take responsibility for all of us.
If she cared for us that much, I hope she knows how we still need her.
Thanks to you and the others, I was able to change... And I've got more changin' to do! I wants ya to see it.
You've done so much for me and all of my many, many sisters.
You're an extra-special customer. ...I hope we meet again.
I feel a soul straight and true pulsing in the darkness.
The hero...will return!
No tears today. I know she'll be back.
I'll just have to wait, and...try to smile...
I won't cry! She'll be back! I know it! And in the meantime, I'll write the finest song about her that ever was!
I am glad for our victory, but I wish it did not mean so sad a farewell...
I still have so much to learn. Come back and teach me.
Now I know what it really means to be a hero...
But heroes always come back to fight again...don't they?
Fool! Why did you sacrifice yourself?!
I refuse to accept it! Return, Robin, or face my wrath!
She showed me that I have a future. That destiny can be defeated.
We have to believe we can alter destiny once more and bring her back.
Mother... You can't leave me now. Not like this... I believe in you. Come back!
All this death... No more! Please, you've... You've got to come back...
The world is vast and full of potential unexplored! I shall devote myself to discovering that art which might reunite us.
No, this is all wrong... She can't be dead!
She's out there. We have to be patient and believe!
This is all wrong. We can't just leave Robin for dead.
I'll wait until the end of time for her return!
Robin put others before herself. No one can question her character.
But her work is not done. She is still needed here.
Now it falls upon our shoulders to protect what was given. I vow to give my all to healing the damage this war has wrought upon the realm. When Robin returns, I want her to see what her sacrifice bought.
Music: Old Battlefield
Awakening gives the standard Fire Emblem rundown of how many turns you spent dawdling on stages, and all those characters that were never used again.
Good to know Lucy and Tiki won the final MVP award.
And now are the endings that occurred for this LP's run.
Frederick was promptly voted to change into a Wyvern Rider, got to 1 EXP before promotion, then forgotten for a dozen stages. Sumia got benched pretty quickly.
Remember when Sully did stuff? I had high hopes for her once she promoted but eh.
Steroids and godawful speed, it's a miracle Gerome turned out as well as he did.
Panne as another victim of "Let's make everyone thieves!"
You guys are mean.
They were just never used despite being pretty good characters.
"The secrets of the universe" when they don't even know if the Earth revolves around the sun?
Oh, I wonder why.
Well that's a bit sad.
I could've sworn Maribelle fought in battle before....
Owain, stay away from baby Owain.
Good news that Yen'fay's body didn't melt in lava.
Lucy, guard yourself with your life.
These Khans are setting up the worst patricide...well, again.
Plenty of things on the ground for Nowi to munch on.
They still found out about her leaving sooner than Kellam.
She's going to come back once tales of baby Owain sprout up.
Owain killed a lot of things.
Going to be awkward once inflation hits.
50% victory rate. I'll take that.
Hope she didn't forget how to fight again.
Oooh, burn.
Poor Lon'qu. Never had good luck playing house.
Gerome learned better not to yell "Minerykins!" every 20 seconds.
Space Jam Universe.
His fear was death, how do you beat that exactly...
Rousing? Laurent? Who's writing these bios? Wait a second....
Noire's the only one that figured out to protect her self literally.
"If someone can limbo 4 inches off the ground, do NOT let him become king!"
Many apples were lost in the visits.
And that's the end of tale of Fire Emblem Aw-